Leading with humanity leads to better results.
Pierre offers specialized, immersive, and highly interactive leadership development programs that address real problems your organization may be facing. Pierre’s custom-designed programs aim to identify and prepare your organization’s future leaders, help better equip your current leaders and managers and help people progress in their careers as people leaders.
Leadership Development Programs
Pierre's specialized leadership development programs are custom-designed to suit your organization's needs so that you can achieve better results. Better results that embody sustainability and hold diversity, equity, and inclusion to an exemplary degree of importance.
Pierre's Leadership Development Programs are:
Founded on an approach that moves from self-leadership to team leadership and onto organizational leadership.
Anchored on strengthening self-awareness and emotional intelligence amongst your leaders, developing world-class leadership communication and team-building, and establishing a more robust learning culture to facilitate change.
Informed by the most contemporary thinking around inclusivity, sustainability, and well-being. Most importantly, Pierre's programs will help you achieve better results.
Program Length
The typical program engagement length is 8-12 months and is facilitated using training, coaching, and your team's collective power and resourcefulness. Approximately one day per month, Pierre will conduct a combined training workshop and leadership roundtable-style session with your team designed around your organizational objectives and the participants' learning objectives.
Extensive Network
Pierre also utilizes his extensive network during these sessions by bringing in guest speakers and partnering with influential subject matter experts and authors. Pierre commits himself wholeheartedly to the success of his Leadership Development Programs, and he makes sure that every participant he works with experiences positive change and improvement within their roles.
Typical Program Structure
Every one of Pierre’s programs is custom-designed to your organization’s needs. To give you an idea of his tried-and-true program structure, explore the basics of what is included below.
Pierre recommends having one training workshop for 1/2 day per month.
These workshops consist of relevant, applicable, and highly interactive learning experiences. Participants will encounter, understand and later apply leadership approaches and management techniques grounded in best practices. Each evidence-based training workshop design is mindful of participants’ various learning styles and values experiential learning in keeping with adult learning principles.
The leadership roundtable is a space within which various learning activities can occur but with a notably practical orientation and the absence of teaching or training in a traditional sense.
The roundtable would typically happen in the afternoon after a morning of training.
The main activities are case studies using fictitious and real-life leadership challenges participants face, one-to-one peer coaching and engaging guest speakers.
Dr. Tammy Carroll, Ph.D., leads this portion of the program and is involved as a guest faculty throughout the program. She is a certified psychometrician and an industrial and organizational psychologist who supports the leadership development initiative with appropriate individual assessments, including the potential for a 360 assessment. Participants receive a confidential debriefing and coaching session with Dr. Carroll.
The Psychometric Assessment seeks to enhance participants' self-awareness as a core requirement of their leadership journey. The exact nature of the assessments and which tools are to be used will be determined with you. -
Our best bet to facilitate the participants' ability to transfer their learning into behavioural change that leads to positive outcomes with their teams and departments is to insert an accountability component.
The practice of accountability is dependent on your organizational structure and culture. However, we have had success with participant-led manager debriefs held regularly. Participants inform their managers what they've learned, how they will apply their learning, what their supervisor should be looking out for, and how they can support and reinforce the change in behaviour.
One-to-one coaching is another powerful mechanism to increase the likelihood that learners build their leadership capacity for tomorrow and apply their newfound leadership tools and approaches today.
Some members, either during or after the program, may benefit from one-on-one coaching with Pierre Battah or Dr. Tammy Carroll. Program participants will also benefit from peer coaching with another cohort member during the program.
There are many ways those who have completed the program can pay it forward and continue to be of service to others.
Program alumni can join a subsequent cohort as a guest facilitator or speaker. They may choose to keep the learning going through quarterly get-togethers or informal gatherings with other past program members to build a community of leadership practice.
Case Study: University of New Brunswick
In early 2021, The University of New Brunswick (UNB) partnered with Pierre Battah Leadership to better equip its existing and emerging leaders with the training and tools to succeed in a leadership role. They noted a desire, in keeping with their strategic plan, to develop a human resource strategy that prioritized fostering a support, recognition, and celebration culture.
In 2022, UNB was ranked as the second-best workplace in the country by Forbes Magazine. That is a testament that they've hired and promoted very capable and high-performing people into leadership. Their commitment to their employees is evident, giving them new opportunities to grow in their area of specialty and expertise and to continue to build a remarkable institution.
We encourage you to read more about how UNB and Pierre Battah worked together to solve their unique challenges and achieve their desired results.
Like so many other organizations, UNB has promoted proven and capable individual contributors into management and leadership roles. Upon reflection, they realized they may not have provided these talented individuals with the support, training and tools to succeed in a leadership role.
Also of concern was their ability to prepare the next generation of leaders and managers from within. UNB wanted to continue to be recognized as an employer of choice, give its leaders and managers the best chance for success and meet the career development ambitions of people within its ranks who aspired to lead and manage. -
In keeping with UNB's wish to expand professional and leadership development opportunities, the President's Office and the People and Culture Department partnered with Pierre Battah Leadership to design a cohort-based extended Leadership Development Program.
Existing and aspiring leaders applied and a select number of individuals were chosen to meet monthly in UNB's inaugural Leadership Development Roundtable.
The learning design was based on an initial needs assessment survey, informed by UNB's senior leadership, and evidence-based practices in organizational leadership training. The program was structured on a three-level model consisting of self-leadership, team leadership, and organizational leadership.
Integrated into the program to foster self-awareness were confidential, individual psychometric assessments conducted by industrial and organizational psychologist Dr. Tammy Carroll.
Subsequently, each month, the group participated in two half-day sessions consisting of interactive and immersive workshops covering team building and employee engagement, managing conflict, EDI, and fostering psychological safety and change leadership. They worked through real-life case studies and leadership challenges in a confidential, secure setting via peer coaching and guidance from renowned leadership experts.
Program alumni will benefit from the support of a network of trusted confidants they've developed through the program.
It is early to assess the impact of the 2021-2022 Leadership Development Roundtable, but a few things are clear. The applicability of the learning content, the quality of the guest speakers and the practicality of the takeaways from each session have been greatly appreciated by participants as evidenced by monthly evaluations. Participants have openly stated that the material helps make their lives better as leaders, giving them greater confidence and enabling them to face management and leadership challenges.
The University of New Brunswick has, through its Associate Vice President of People and Culture, expressed its satisfaction, appreciation and continued support for the program.
Connect with Pierre to Create Your Custom Program
We Also Offer
Pierre provides one-of-a-kind keynote experiences that inspire your leaders and teams to lead with humanity.
Pierre’s workshops mobilize your team with his unique approach to adult learning and leadership development.
“Terrific session! Very enlightening and I feel like I can bring about positive personal change and that will in turn improve our workplace. Tough questions made me think.”
— 2021 Virtual Workshop Attendee
Get Pierre’s
Award-Winning Book
Humanity at Work: Leading for Better Relationships and Results is a Gold Medal Winner at the Nautilus Book Awards. This practical guide helps team leaders foster creativity, innovation, and problem-solving in the workplace. A portion of proceeds supports Plan Canada. Available on Amazon (ebook & audiobook) and at select local booksellers in Atlantic Canada.