Uncovering the Art of Influence: The Secrets of Leadership and Persuasion Among Peers
Learn how to build and maintain positive relationships while becoming a more persuasive, influential, and formidable negotiator.
How to Manage the Return-to-Office Phase to Ensure All Employees Can Be at Their Best
Managing return-to-office? Here are lessons learned from remote work during the pandemic and advice to ensure your return-to-office is successful.
How to Establish a Feedback-Rich Work Environment
During widespread talent shortages where employers are striving and struggling to keep employees, timely feedback habits are an important, inexpensive and impactful tactic of smart talent management. The good news is it doesn’t take as much time as you fear, and it’s easier than you think. Here’s how!
Contributing to Healthy Virtual Teams
In this article, we explore how we relate to new ways of working and what these new ways mean in terms of human connection and our well-being. I give you tips on making your day more relaxed and productive at the same time.
How Leaders Intervene Effectively
Use highly illustrative explanations and specific examples, delivered with an instructional feel. This ensures that your feedback will be a powerful learning catalyst and positively impact behaviour. Photo by Kristin Hardwick.
Don’t Let Distraction Cost You the Race
Much credit to Vettel’s finish must be given to the race engineer’s voice in his ear. Wouldn’t it be great to have a little voice in our ear reminding us to stay focused when we find it difficult to concentrate and stay on task?
A Lesson in Situational Leadership at 4800 Meters
I’m delighted to bring you an alpine leadership lesson that, due to space constraints, didn’t make into my upcoming book Humanity at Work. It’s a leadership story from Neil Greenwood, the director and part-owner of Summit Oxygen.
Leading Through Uncertainty
The COVID pandemic is defining our time for now and predictably into the future. Uncertainty can derail our focus and eat up our energy. But with the right leadership to rely on, there is hope.
Leading From Home During a Pandemic
Very few of us have received training for leading in such a crisis as the current pandemic and global stay-at-home orders. We have to rise to meet and overcome the challenges and experiment to find those better ways forward.
Working From Home During a Pandemic
If you are asked to work from home for the first time, you will face some challenges. This article gives you a few suggestions to facilitate working from home under these unique conditions.
What Employers Can Learn About Onboarding From a Classy High School Goalie
T.J. Sullivan’s act of thoughtfulness and inclusion is a lesson for employers everywhere when onboarding new hires. Photo courtesy of Facebook/Paul Cloney.
Workplace Problem Solving: 7 Steps To Follow
We now know that workplace cultures are about energized and engaged people coming together to solve complex problems. Therefore, a focus on problem-solving capability is paramount to creating great workplaces.
To Share or Not to Share Emotions at Work
Asking employees to “keep their emotions in check” is a challenging request, yet regulating our emotions and being in tune with the feelings of others and responding appropriately is at the heart of Emotional Intelligence (EI). Photo by Kristin Hardwick.
Asking for Help at Work...And Anywhere Else Too!
Excessive workloads, unhelpful colleagues, workplace safety and well-being, as well as many other situations and issues, warrant asking for help. This article covers why you avoid asking for help and what steps you can take to make asking for help easier.
Workplace Superstitions, Rituals and Habits
Many believe that everybody could benefit from good luck from rituals or items such as a lucky plant. Rituals are everywhere in contemporary workplaces. Some stem from tradition or long-held beliefs; others are modern inventions.
Balancing Relationships and Results at Work
The subject of strengthening capabilities in building relationships has been well documented in several of my blogs over the years, so here are a few thoughts on how someone can solidify their capacity for delivering required results.
Should You Be Asking More and Better Questions? Five Key Takeaways
Asking great questions as a leader has an enormous organizational impact on problem-solving, creating a collaborative culture and a sense of engagement.
Would You Rather Your Feedback be Formal and Infrequent or Frequent and Informal?
I believe a large part of people’s reluctance to offer both positive and constructive feedback is because they are not confident in their skills. Here are some suggestions to strengthen your capability and confidence in providing feedback.
The Wisdom, Power and Fun of Workplace Celebrations
Regular minor boosts in our day-to-day work life make a huge difference. When leaders build a culture of appreciation through celebration, everybody wins. Here I share are a few things to think about.
Annoying Your Co-Workers to Increase Productivity
Many of us need to concentrate intensely to get our work done. This has never been truer given workplace layouts, the notifications our phones and computers generate (and our brains love) and how we've convinced ourselves our entourage requires a rapid response to everything all the time.