Learning to Let Go & The Perils of Micro Management
People who micromanage consistently pay excessive attention to details that are better left to their subordinates, and they always do so with the same intensity and scrutiny regardless of the situation. The impact can be stifling for their direct reports, undermines trust and confidence and ultimately leads to disengagement.
Building Tomorrow’s Leaders Today
Experts would agree on a future leader's requirement to be supreme collaborators, highly intuitive and insightful with all forms of people and technology, and bring a high level of openness and flexibility to their leadership role.
Grit Might Just Be It
When we witness outstanding performance in the workplace, in the arts or in the quest for the greater good, it's not about being gifted; it's about having a marathoner's mindset as opposed to a sprinter's. Photo by Andrew Rashotte.
“The Right to Disconnect” and Other Worthwhile Conversations with Your Boss
On January 1, 2017, the French government instituted sweeping changes governing workplaces in France. Although the new law aimed to provide employers with greater flexibility in relation to their workforce, the "right to disconnect" provisions seem to have attracted much attention.